Bike to Wherever Days -In a normal year, Bike to Work Day (BTWD) is a celebration of bicycles as a fun and healthy way to get to work, as well as an opportunity for those who don’t usually bike commute to try it out! It’s also a time to advocate for improved bicycle infrastructure and safety.
Because of the continued COVID-19 pandemic, this year we will once again be biking to wherever during the month of May. During Bike to Wherever Days, we are encouraging everyone to pedal to do errands, visit friends from a safe distance, commute to work if you are going in, ride recreationally — heck, ride anywhere you need to go if possible! For Bike Month Events Click here
Bike Champion of the Year – From March 4 through April 1, nominations will be open to honor your favorite bike commuter of the year! Someone who champions pedaling, inspires you and others, and sets a great example for how bicycling is good for them, the environment and their community.