What is a Vanpool?

Vanpooling is a convenient way to get to work, especially for people who work far from home. Vanpools accommodate 7- 15 passengers that consist of a driver and passengers with similar origins and destinations. Vanpools are used for not-for-profit work-related transportation.

Vanpools are most cost effective when they start at least 15 miles or more from their destinations. The pricing for a van depends on the number of riders and the distance you are traveling.

For the Solano Mobility Express Vanpool Pilot Program (traveling between Vacaville, Dixon and Sacramento: Solano Mobility Express)

New Vanpool Incentives

Solano Mobility offers a subsidy to encourage residents and employees in Solano County to use vanpools to get to work. In partnership with Commute with Enterprise, Solano Mobility’s vanpooling program offers commuters traveling to and from Solano County an innovative shared mobility option.

New, qualifying Vanpools can receive a $200 subsidy from Solano Mobility to help vanpool participants reduce the cost of commuting. Vanpools can apply this subsidy on top of an existing $500 subsidy from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for a total of $700 in the first two years.

Commute with Enterprise will also provide 24-hour roadside assistance, liability insurance, and scheduled maintenance. And as part of the Enterprise’s Complete Clean Pledge, Commute with Enterprise provides best practices for cleaning and Complete Clean Starter Kits for new Commutes.

Rules of eligibility:

  • Vanpools must have an origin or destination in Solano County
  • Participation cannot be restricted to a particular employer, must be open to the public
  • Must complete monthly ridership reports and annual surveys
  • Must maintain 50% occupancy each month

If you are interested in starting a Vanpool please visit:
Share A Ride To Work | Commuter Service | Commute with Enterprise.

Interested in joining a van?

If you are looking to join an existing vanpool, use the Commuterinfo.net , or visit: Share A Ride To Work | Commuter Service | Commute with Enterprise.

Benefits of joining a vanpool include:

•  Saving money on gas, tolls, and car costs
•  Using HOV lanes and reducing travel time
•  Improving air quality and traffic
•  Qualifying for Solano Mobility ‘s Guaranteed Ride Home program (for those who work or live in Solano County)