If you use a commute alternative like transit, carpool, or vanpool to travel to work in Solano County or travel from Solano County to your workplace, you can get  reimbursement for your emergency ride home.

This program provides an alternative option home in the case of an emergency. All those signed up on Commute Solano are eligible. Commuters have the option of utilizing a Lyft or Uber, or Taxi, in the case of an emergency. This program can be used 6 times in a year no more than 3 times in a month, for up to $100 per trip. Staff reserves the right to remove participants for misuse of the program. Program is subject to termination at the discretion of Solano Mobility for any and all reasons.

Participants must have used an alternative transportation mode to get to work on the day they use Guaranteed Ride Home. Qualified emergencies include;

  1. Employee (or immediate family member)  suffers an illness or severe crisis that requires their immediate attention.
  2. After the start of a shift, their employer requests that they work unscheduled overtime.
  3. The ridesharing vehicle breaks down or the driver has to unexpectedly stay late or leave early.
  4. The train, ferry, or bus does not show up for it’s scheduled time.

Guaranteed Ride Home may not be used for: personal errands, pre-planned medical appointments, weather emergencies, early dismissals from work, an ambulance service, business-related travel, anticipated overtime or working overtime without a supervisor’s request, or non-emergency related trips on the way home.

To participate in the GRH Program, please register and create a profile at Commute Solano! For more information, call the Solano Mobility Call Center at 800-535-6883.

If you are a Solano Express commuter, please see Guaranteed Ride: https://www.solanomobility.org/program/guaranteed-ride/