The Solano Transportation Authority (STA) in partnership with Solano County Transit (SolTrans) provides the Solano Mobility Local Taxi Card Program. The program offers alternative transportation for ADA Paratransit certified individuals living in Vallejo or Benicia.

For application please click here.


How to Apply

Complete application and include your ADA Paratransit ID number, then email it to or mail it to the address below. Include your PG&E CARE FERA eligibility or Low-Income Verification form if you would like to request low-income eligibility.

Solano Mobility 1 Harbor Center, Suite 140 Suisun City, CA 94585 Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

If your application is incomplete or illegible, it may be returned to you. If you have not received an eligibility determination letter from us within twenty-one days from the date you provided your completed application, please contact us at 800-535-6883.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to buy and use Local Taxi Card funds?

ADA Paratransit certified residents of Vallejo or Benicia may apply. You may use the Taxi Card Program as long as you remain certified for ADA Paratransit and live in Benicia or Vallejo. Should you move to another city or your certification expire, you will not be eligible to use the program.

For information about ADA Paratransit eligibility, please call the

Solano Countywide In-Person ADA Eligibility program at (707) 541-7184.


What is the PEX Taxi Card and how do I use it?

The PEX card is a prepaid debit card that you use like a credit card. You must show your ADA Paratransit ID card to taxi drivers when paying your fare with the PEX Taxi Card. Taxi drivers are required to ask passengers to show their ADA ID card to ensure only qualified participants are using taxi card funds.

Where can I travel?

You can take trips that begin and end in the cities of Vallejo and Benicia.

How much does it cost and how much can I buy?

Funds may be purchased in increments of $10 for $25 of taxi funds, to a maximum of $150 of taxi funds per month. For low-income verified individuals, the increments are $10 for $50 of taxi funds to a maximum of $150 per month. To request low-income eligibility, include your PG&E CARE or FERA program eligibility or a completed Low-Income Verification form with your application.

Adding Funds to your PEX Taxi Card.

Once you’ve received your PEX Taxi Card, you may add funds over the phone with a debit or credit card by calling Solano Mobility at (800) 535-6883 between  8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., or from SolTrans’ Ticket Office located at the Vallejo Transit Center:

Vallejo Transit Center
311 Sacramento Street
Vallejo, CA 94590
Monday – Friday, 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

While the funds on your PEX Taxi Card do not expire, if your ADA eligibility expires, you will not be able to access those funds until you renew your eligibility.